South sudan conflict books

The birth of the new country brought hope for a bright future. Her research and publications since 2001 have focused on the historical and contemporary role of chiefs in southern sudan, and related issues of governance, statesociety relations and political and judicial cultures. It is an outsiders view and will no doubt, given the complexity of south sudan, be full of gaps and generalisations. Understanding the roots of conflict in south sudan council. Analysis since civil war broke out in december 20 in the young state of south sudan, the country has made 12 peace agreements. A city in short fiction edited by ralph cormack and max shmookler. Candidate depaul university abstract although ethnicity is a contributing factor to the ongoing crisis in south sudan, particularly after the reescalation of violence in december of.

South sudan working group on children and armed conflict. Badal, the rise and fall of separatism in southern sudan, african affairs 75, 301 1976, pp. Sep 26, 2018 displaced south sudanese in bentiu, south sudan, last year. The concluding issues and questions raised at the end of the book are both. However, the government did not address impunity for widespread conflict related sexual and genderbased violence against south sudanese. A new book provides the most comprehensive analysis to date of the south sudan conflict what contributed to it and what is needed to end it.

It is bordered to the east by ethiopia, to the north by sudan, to the west by the central african republic, to the south west by democratic republic of the congo, to the south by uganda and to the south east by kenya. For almost three years, the equatoria region in south sudan had been spared from the conflict that exploded in 20. South sudan did not make progress on establishing the. The northsouth conflict in historical perspective t he peoples ofsouthern sudan have suffered nearly two centuries of colonial rule under the turkoegyptian, the mahdiya, the anglo egyptian, and the postindependencenorthern regimes. Until recently sudanese literature both south sudanese and from the republic of the sudan was in the form of oral stories and narrative poems. By the end of the 19th century the sudan was under britishegyptian rule. In this book, she provides an unparalleled insiders account of south sudan s descent from the ecstatic celebrations of july 2011 to the outbreak of the disastrous conflict in december 20 and the early, bloody phase of the fighting.

Her research and publications since 2001 have focused on the historical and contemporary role of chiefs in southern sudan, and related issues of governance, state. Jun 24, 2018 south sudans conflict is marked by the complexity of its rivalries, with the fighting around leer and mayendit pitting soldiers under vicepresident taban deng against supporters of riek machar. The south sudanese civil war was a conflict in south sudan between forces of the government and opposition forces. Established in 2011 after two wars, south sudan has since reverted to a state of devastating civil strife. The conflict in south sudan has seemed to many to be a civil war without end. This book is really well written, accessible and does exactly what it says tells you everything you need to know to understand the fundamentals of the issues surrounding sudan, south sudan and darfur. South sudan crisis facts conflict in south sudan mercy. Revisiting the role of international and regional actors. The south sudanese civil war is an ongoing conflict in south sudan between forces of the government and opposition forces. The untold story tells it all with sharp observation, honesty and uncompromising objectivity. Uganda almost 90% of whom are women and children have reported threats from armed actors as they fled, including killings, rape, looting, and child abductions. Books these are the assemblages of books written by south sudanese or foreigners about either the conflict and wars of sudan when it was still one country or about south sudan as an independent state or as a region before independence on july 9th, 2011.

It will be of interest to students of history at universities and may be one of the important history reference books of the new country. It is a must read for anyone interested in africa and the fate of south sudan, as it stands on the brink of state implosion. The problem with a lot of books on sudan is that the authors come from one part of the country and only write about the part they know. A separate conflict that remained unresolved centred on the darfur region in western sudan. Feb 22, 2020 conflict has plunged parts of the country into famine and driven more than 2. The conflict in december 20 reopened deeplyrooted political and ethnic tensions that hadnt yet been reconciled in the young country and those divisions have continued. It is bordered to the east by ethiopia, to the north by sudan, to the west by the central african republic, to the southwest by democratic republic of the congo, to the south by uganda and to the south east by kenya. Conflict between 19551976 and 19832005 between the colonially modernised arab north and the underdeveloped christian and animist south brought widespread civilian suffering. Cowritten with the filmmaker and journalist julie flint, who has also spent a.

South sudan as regional pawn 2 the red sea arena 4 rebooting us policy to support conflict resolution and regional stability 5 conclusion 8 payton knopf south sudans civil war and conflict dynamics in the red sea summary the regional political and security dynamics that surround south sudans ongoing civil war. A human rights report united nations mission in south sudan. The focus is on the history of south sudan, and is in this sense a pioneer work since it is the countrys first secondary school book dealing primarily with the history of the south. In december 20, president kiir accused his former deputy riek machar and ten others of attempting a coup detat. Sep 19, 2019 south sudans oil fields, the primary source of the governments wealth, have long been one of the pathways to finance the civil war. Republic of sudan and the new republic of south sudan or north and south sudan, for claritythe two countries were again in a state of war. South sudan is the worlds newest country and gained independence from sudan in 2011, following africas longestrunning civil war. Sudan also has faced refugee influxes from neighboring countries, primarily ethiopia, eritrea, chad, central african republic, and south sudan. The political economy of militaryislamist state building harry verhoeven isbn.

The level of foreign greed in south sudan is unprecedented. Mar 23, 2020 akobo, south sudan boys and girls between the ages of 14 18 years and their caregivers, have experienced various forms of hardship and distressing event, including armed cattle raiding, family violence, poverty, community unrest and conflict emergencies. Mar 04, 2020 barkin said this is a particularly sensitive time for implementing security arrangements, citing the close proximity of government and opposition forces during their cantonment and training which creates a high risk of conflict. The book analyses the conflict and discusses policy proposals that could help achieve peace. South sudan gained independence from sudan in july 2011 after decades of war. Since south sudan s official language is english, and it is also one of the republics official languages, western literature was influential for sudanese writers. Ending the war was also advantageous for this would strengthen his political powerbase. Not surprisingly, when sudan became independent in 1956 and the barrier between the two areas was lifted, the south found itself in an extremely disadvantaged position. This book is both informative and educational in relation to the ongoing south sudanese conflict. Even though the focus is on south sudan its history cannot be interpreted in a vacuum, and particularly north south relations are discussed extensively in the book. Conflict profile, causes, actors and dynamics tethloach ruey doctoral thesis dissertation politics international politics topic.

Self determination and national unity francis mading deng, 2010. Better than that, though, its the best analysis of both north and south sudan. Hilde johnsons indepth analysis leaves no stone unturned in her search for answers in this excellent and wellresearched book. Armed conflict, poor transport infrastructure, and denial of access by both the government and armed opposition have impeded the provision of humanitarian assistance to affected populations. Jul 26, 2019 in 2019, those hopes have largely been dashed by years of a civil war that has killed an estimated 383,000 and ongoing disputes in the sudan south sudan borderlands. South sudan was once a semiindependent region in sudan, only recently gaining independence as a country in 2011, after a brutal civil war that lasted more than 25 years. In this brief but comprehensive book, francis deng offers a creative analysis of the situation, aimed at addressing, and hopefully resolving, the complex dilemmas confronting sudan, africa, and the international community over the critical choice the south will make in january 2011unity or secession. South sudan conflict analysis brief south sudan, the worlds youngest nation, continues to struggle despite the august 2015 signature of a peace agreement.

Coming into existence amid a wave of optimism in 2011, south sudan has since slid into violence and conflict. It was written in the early 1990s, so its almost a generation old now, but it remains the best analysis of why sudan has descended into so much conflict. The conflict began in 2003 when rebels launched an insurrection to protest what they contended was the sudanese governments disregard for the western region and its nonarab population. The strength of the narrative is in trying to provide nuance. In the first book length study of the south sudan civil war, john young draws on his close but critical relationship with the rebel splmio leadership to reveal the true dynamics of the conflict, and exposes how the south sudanese state was in crisis long before the outbreak of war. The ngok dinka of abyei, south sudan, in historical perspective 9781786231055 by arop, arop madut and a great selection of similar new, used and collectible books available now at great prices. Ali, viceroy of egypt under the ottoman empire, the southern sudan was plundered for slaves. David deng last months breakthrough between south sudan s government and its armed opposition on establishing a new transitional government represents a critical step toward ending the countrys civil war, a conflict that over the past six years has. This is an important book because it provides a new look at how south sudan emerged as political and administrative entity and why it separated from sudan. In december 20, that hope dimmed as the conflict broke out. Global south development magazines global development reporter mr. A great tool for anybody wishing to understand the conflict better or a starting point for research.

Apr 29, 2020 books these are the assemblages of books written by south sudanese or foreigners about either the conflict and wars of sudan when it was still one country or about south sudan as an independent state or as a region before independence on july 9th, 2011. Meanwhile, here are some of the best books about sudan available in english. The conflict has been marked by the failure of the government of the republic of south sudan. South sudan root causes of ongoing conflict remain. The lingering unresolved issues with south sudan continued to pose problems, despite international attempts to mediate between the two countries. Machar denied trying to start a coup and fled to lead the splm in opposition splmio. New fiction from the new nation of south sudan by nyuol lueth tong, what is the what by dave eggers. I enjoyed it because it gave me insights into the current crisis and why the south sudanese still find a reason to continue to fight not only the sudanese but also fighting among the tribes in south sudan. United nations mission in the republic of south sudan unmiss since the outbreak of the conflict on 15 december. In the first booklength study of the south sudan civil war, john young draws on his close but critical relationship with the rebel splmio leadership to reveal the true dynamics of the conflict, and exposes how the south sudanese state was in crisis long before the outbreak of war.

There is little need to repeat yet again this rather long history. Years of international efforts to bring an end to decades of conflict by helping to negotiate the comprehensive peace agreement cpa of 2005 and the later. It was not long before it started agitating for a new status. Peace and conflict studies, security publish your bachelors or masters thesis, dissertation, term paper or essay. The crisis started in april, after months of border skirmishes. Douglas johnsons the root causes of sudan s civil wars was an informative and interesting read. The conflict and displacements disrupted the education systems and destroyed school. But the detailed report by the watchdog group the sentry. South sudan is the worlds youngest country after gaining independence from sudan in 2011 but has been embroiled in a civil war since 20 that has led to tens of thousands of deaths and is largely a result of political and ethnic tensions. An estimated 383,000 people have died as a result of south sudans civil war, according to a new report that documents the.

South sudan became the youngest nation in the world after splitting from the larger sudan to become the republic of south sudan in 2011. South sudans civil war is the result of a weakly institutionalized state and may require the african unions intervention to find peace and. In response, the government equipped and supported arab militiaswhich came. Conflict profile since its independence in 1956, sudan has seen an intermittent civil war. Solutions for moving beyond an ethnic conflict christa charbonneau kuntzelman, m. Providing safe and uninterrupted education to conflict. In the first booklength study of the south sudan civil war, john young draws on. Since its independence in 2011, south sudan is battling a new civil war. In the first book length study of the south sudan civil war, john young draws on his. In1972,highleveldelegates from boththesudanesegovernment and the guerrilla forces met in addis ababa, ethiopia, and after a series of 5 kebbede.

Worse was to follow when the international community declared famine in 2017. This is one of the most straightforward and concise accounts of the conflict in darfur. A brief history of the civil war in south sudan comboni. Fighting broke out between the sudan peoples liberation movement splm. South sudan has a new unity government after six years of war, but violence is still ongoing across the country, deepening a catastrophic humanitarian outlook worsened by mass flooding in 2019. A history of south sudan cambridge university press. New book examines solutions to the south sudan conflict igc. The issue of how much money the sudanese government should receive for the oil pumped in south sudan but transported through sudan s pipelines and exported via sudan s infrastructure was particularly. A mere two years after achieving independence, south sudan in 20 descended into violent civil war, refuting us government claims that the countrys succession was a major foreign policy success and would end endemic conflict. Even in the face of escalating civil war, however, the people of the country continue to fight for justice, despite a widespread culture of corruption and impunity.

New fiction from the new nation of south sudan paperback nyuol lueth tong. Paguot thudan, is a landlocked country in eastcentral africa. Lifting arms embargo could be catastrophic for south sudan. The best books on sudan five books expert recommendations. There is potential for renewed conflict over the administration of these areas because the allocation of resources in south sudan has typically led to discord at the local level. The same applies to foreigners who tend to get obsessed with one part of the country, normally darfur or the south, and then become experts on those regions. Social scientists in sudan and south sudan have also turned their critical attention to colonial administrators,10 development and humanitarian practitioners,11 lobby groups,12 and their own discipline. South sudan was settled by many of its current ethnic groups during the 15th19th centuries. Understanding the roots of conflict in south sudan. The role of mass media in the responsibility to prevent walter c. Conflict in south sudan and the challenges ahead congressional research service summary south sudan, which separated from sudan in 2011 after almost 40 years of civil war, was drawn into a devastating new conflict in late 20, when a political dispute that overlapped with preexisting ethnic and political fault lines turned violent. The report builds upon the unmiss interim report on human rights, released on 21 february.

South sudan oil consortium funded militias accused of. After fighting in the northern states of south sudan among the nuer, the conflict has moved to the southwest in the regions richer in water, fertile land and forests, i. However, their independence, like that of other countries in the world, came with a huge human cost following decades of intense conflict between the arab north and the nonarab south. Only 10 months after south sudan gained its independence from sudan, the two countries could be on the brink of allout conflict. Ambassador akuei bona malwal appealed to the international community for support.

A history of south sudan south sudan is the worlds youngest independent country. Sentry writes, the key catalyst of south sudan s civil war has been competition for the grand prizecontrol over state assets and the countrys abundant natural resources between rival kleptocratic networks led by president kiir and vice president machar. As its implementation faltered, violence between factions broke out again in july 2016, setting back the peace process once again. Republic of sudan and the new republic of south sudanor north and south sudan, for claritythe two countries were again in a state of war. Conflict in sudan was never a simple bilateral affair between north and south. Since civil war broke out in south sudan in december 20, over 50,000 people have been killedpossibly as many as 383,000, according to a recent estimateand nearly four. There are many causes for the conflict in south sudan, ranging from ethnic tensions, management of oil resources and the power struggle between president salva kiir and opposition leader dr. New fiction from the new nation of south sudan by nyuol lueth tong, what is the what by dave eggers, th.